Channel: OWHW - Informative Blog
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Sneeuwvlokken haken

Gisteravond is de eerste sneeuw gevallen in Zuid Holland. Vooruit maar, de winter mag komen!
Hier alvast wat gehaakte vlokken om in de kerstboom te hangen
Deze afbeelding heb ik o.a. ook gebruikt



Ga snel naar de Facebook pagina van Owly en deel deze met je vrienden, Zo zijn we sneller aan de 200 Likes!


Over mijn Kerstmuizen doen verhalen de ronde. Ik wil even e.e.a. duidelijk maken.
Mijn Kerstmuizen heb ik zelf gemaakt, zónder bestaand patroon. Mijn eigen gemaakte en naar mijn eigen wensen gevormde muizen heb ik gratis en voor eigen gebruik aan iedereen ter beschikking gesteld. Er zijn patronen in omloop van de zgn. Dickens muizen die voor geld worden verkocht. Deze verkoop werd verboden door de eigenaar van de gebreide versie, vanwege haar copyright. 
Mijn muizen lijken weliswaar op de Dickens muizen, maar door verschillende aanpassingen in grootte, kleur, vorm, kleding en accessoires en door het weglaten van de naam Dickens en deze te vervangen door Kerstmuizen zijn het nu mijn eigen muizen geworden. Ik hoop dat jullie veel plezier aan het gratis patroon beleven!

In de spotlight

Kennen jullie de pagina van Jean Greenhowe al? Je herkent haar poppen meteen en ze hebben een hoog knuffelgehalte. Je kunt haar HIER vinden. Als je Engelse breipatronen kunt lezen, staan hier een aantal mooie gratis patronen tot je beschikking om te downloaden. Ook zijn er mooie kooppatroontjes.

Verder kijk ik graag op Boon en Staak waar je een verzameling heel oude brei- en haakpatronen kunt vinden. Vintage xxl en hardstikke leuk!
Als laatste even de kijker op Jill Watt. Op haar Ravelry pagina kan je de zgn. Shelf Elf gratis downloaden. Een enig haakpatroon voor de komende Kerstdagen.

Owly op Facebook

Vandaag hebben we de 200 likes op Facebook gehaald, bedankt daarvoor! Het is tijd voor de Giveaway! Vanavond wordt de winnaar bekend gemaakt, hou dit blog dus in de gaten!!

Winnaar Giveaway

De winnaar van de Giveaway is geworden..... tadaaaaaah....   Riannes Haaksels
Gefeliciteerd Rianne!Wil je me in een privebericht op Facebook je adresgegevens doorgeven?

Wanten patroon

Van diverse mensen heb ik het verzoek gekregen om uitleg van de wanten die ik vorig jaar en dit jaar heb gebreid. Inmiddels heb ik in mijn blogbericht van 5-12-12 een update en beschrijving hiervan gegeven. Even scrollen dus naar 5 december vorig jaar "Wanten breien"
Veel plezier!


Kleine Noortje maakte een tekening met o.a. een konijntje er op...

Kinderen zijn geweldige kunstenaars

Die is voor jou Noortje! :-)


Willen jullie allemaal zo goed zijn om even HIER een kijkje te nemen. Dan kom je op de blog van Annemarie. Zij doet een verzoekje aan iedereen die de mogelijkheid heeft om mee te doen aan de actie Toys and Stuff voor arme kinderen in Roemenië.
Alvast aan iedereen een hartelijke dank!

In the Spotlight

Het is weer zondag, dus tijd voor de Spotlight. Omdat het vandaag 1 december is, ga ik al in de Kerstsfeer!

We beginnen met Leonie , deze jonge vrouw maakt van alles, poppen, dieren, sleutelhangers enz. enz. Ook heeft ze dit rendier van Echtstudio gehaakt in een kleur naar haar keuze. Ze heeft een hele mooie hand van haken!

De blog van mevr. Snoeshaan bevat allemaal links naar leuke Kerstpatronen, waaronder deze grappige sneeuwman
Dan is er als derde de pagina van Roxycraft met nog een aantal leuke patronen, zoals dit grappige kerstmannetje
Ik wens jullie weer veel haakplezier de komende dagen!


Breien en haken wissel ik graag af. Meestal ben ik aan een project van beiden bezig.
Heerlijk simpel is deze sjaal van super zachte wol in boordsteek 2/2 in een warme terra kleur.
De kleur is op de foto moeilijk te vangen...

Stola x 2

Druk geweest met haken. Op verzoek twee identieke omslagdoeken gehaakt. Afm. 55x190 cm
Lekker zacht met baby soft garen.
Mooi over een bloot jurkje met de feestdagen!

Faire Isle

Met een rondbreinaald nr. 4 en een heleboel restjes heb ik dit kussen in Faire Isle patroontjes gebreid. Heel leuk om te doen en een kleurig resultaat!

Konijn breien

Omdat ik het zo lastig vind om met 4 kleine breinaalden te breien, ben ik gaan zoeken naar leuke knuffels die op 2 naalden te breien zijn. HIER vond ik er een van een konijn die je met een kleine aanpassing ook voor een beer kunt gebruiken. Het is een gratis patroon en er staan ook wat kleertjes bij. Het konijn heb ik alvast gemaakt en hoewel hij wat kleiner uitviel dan ik verwachtte, is hij toch wel leuk geworden.


Aan een ieder die mij volgt en aan degenen die het afgelopen jaar lieve reacties achterlieten en mij inspiratie gaven en geven, zeg ik
Tot in januari allemaal!

Ways to use cup menstruelle!

Presently there is no requirement for you to utilize napkins and tampons to gather menstrual liquid amid period. Container menstruelle is the right alternative that can permit you to gather menstrual liquid without bringing about any impairment. Such containers are great option against clean cushions and napkins. These glasses are reusable a more hygienic choice for a lady.

A few online shops can get roadster menstruelle for you in distinctive size. There are likewise glasses that can be reused for very nearly 10 years, guarantee to search for those.

It is vital to experience solace and comfort while utilizing such mugs amid your periods. Purchase such item in the wake of doing legitimate exploration work. Verify that you direct a quality research well before you make a buy.

It is imperative to consider quality and wellbeing element while keeping up cleanliness along  these  lines.

Ways to use cup menstruelle!You can check with the nature of the mugs when you consider the material utilized for them. Search for the quality material that guarantees about wellbeing and dependability elements. Great presumed shop will offer item made up of restoratively demonstrated material. At exactly that point you will have the capacity to get mugs that are flawlessly suiting you needs.

Reusable peculiarity of such coupelle menstruelle is novel and advantageous for clients. However in the event that you wish to wear these containers then you need to know how it is to be utilized. This can make it simple for you to utilize it amid monthly cycle. In the event that you know the best approach to embed menstrual glass then it can get to be anything but difficult to take purchasing choice. Accordingly you need to visit such a site where you can get itemized data on the most proficient method to utilize it.

In the event that this is your first time then verify that you sterilize the glass menstruelle well before utilizing it. Make utilization of delicate cleanser while washing such item. Wash it off completely with water and addition when wet. Tailing you will discover few routes through which menstrual glass can be utilized:

To begin with:

You need to first crease the menstrual mug with the assistance of both the hands so as to provide for it a C shape. Once finished with it, you can overlay it further by thumping more than two sides together.

Number 2:

When you embed the mug guarantee that the bend of the C shape is in upward position. Spread your legs and hold the edge appropriately to embed the car menstruelle.


You can embed mug in any position like standing, sitting, squatting, and so on. Whichever position you choose guarantee that you put in your vagina utilizing 45 degree plot.

Number 4:

Pivot the container to a finish 360 degree to seal. This will bolt the mug effectively. Guarantee that glass part or stem part is not noticeable in the wake of embeddings it. Wash your hands legitimately once the methodology of embeddings coupelle menstruelle is carried out.

By utilizing glass menstruelle you can stay far from rashes issue. This is an extremely sparing alternative for you; additionally offers you a sound slumber amid difficult period evenings. This sort of item is anything but difficult to convey and simple to utilize. Likewise wearing it for a more extended term won't be hazardous for your wellbeing. Sanitize such menstrual sterile item apropos before reusing it.

Wellbeing, security and quality are the three components you have to consider before purchasing such menstrual glasses.

10 Bad Habits You Need To Quit

We don't have to let you know that negative behavior patterns have a negative effect on your life. Frequently the issue is not recognizing negative behavior patterns; it is genuinely clear for instance, that smoking is bad for you. Enslavement can frequently be the fundamental issue, alongside idealism. Both are practices that everybody shares in, however in the long run your unfortunate propensities will turn into an inconvenience to your wellbeing and bliss. They generally do.

Thus we have distinguished 10 unfortunate propensities that you have to stop; a significant number of them wellbeing related, and some of them identified with way of life and joy:

10 Bad Habits You Need To Quit1. Smoking

An undeniable spot to begin, smoking has never been appealing, and it has never been useful for your wellbeing, notwithstanding what the early adverts used to say. The risks of smoking are central, and you ought to kick the propensity as quickly as time permits.

2. Stretch Or Binge Eating

Some individuals like a glass of wine to slow down around evening time, while other individuals like a tiny bit of chocolate, or waffles and dessert, or pizza on conveyance with an excess of chips to potentially handle. Gorging is to a great degree awful for you, and can prompt cardiovascular issues, and weight. It can be brought on by anxiety, so make sure to discover a healthier discharge.

3. Garbage Food

Pigging out regularly includes garbage nourishment of some way, yet individuals the whole way across the world succumb to the garbage sustenance trap consistently, and buy sustenance from enterprises who are known to have low gauges of sustenance. Some would say that they are even popular for it (no names McMentioned). A late study even recommends that garbage nourishment works on the receptors in the cerebrum in a comparable manner to heroin or cocaine; making you need a greater amount of the stuff.

4. Unnecessary Drinking

The impacts of expending liquor are decently explored, and entrenched as being, great... really harming, past a few easygoing beverages. Unreasonable drinking is without a doubt a propensity you would do well to stop. Medication propensities are additionally not prudent.

5. Including Yourself With The Wrong People

A little break from the direct terrible wellbeing propensities now, and into your social life. Wellbeing and satisfaction are both vital for your working, and sticking around with the wrong individuals is bad for either. You ought to invest time with individuals who love and support you.

6. Concentrating on The Negative

Positive intuition is not simply some new-age idea. It has a genuine effect on your life, and demonstrated profits for your wellbeing, including the diminishment of anxiety, which a central point in invulnerable framework working. Concentrating on the negative is an alternate unfortunate propensity that you ought to surrender. Concentrate rather on what you acknowledge, and figure out how to think all the more absolutely.

7. A lot of TV

TV is a truly boundless negative behavior pattern, that is shockingly, not showing signs of improvement with the presentation of handheld gadgets. While these brilliant advancements ought to be acknowledged, overindulgence in them causes an absence of enthusiasm for life, in the individuals around you, and in your own particular wellbeing. It can prompt a slobbish way of life, with awful eating routine, and especially an absence of activity.

Tony- From Slob To Success

Tony used to enjoy numerous negative behavior patterns. Quite a long time ago he had truly believed that smoking and drinking unreasonably were not going to get up to speed with him, however this was not the situation. He additionally consumed a lot of garbage found, and Tony battled with an addictive identity that made him revel in pretty much everything. TV gave a sanctuary to him to switch off while he expended garbage sustenance, and at the same time he didn't have a strong bolster organize around him.

Fortunately, Tony understood that he required help, and addresses wellbeing specialists who helped him to recover his life on track, by annihilating the unfortunate propensities that were making him decay. Tony now appreciates a sound life, with a sustenance rich eating routine, a lot of activity, and a different absence of hurtful exercises. His newly discovered great wellbeing has additionally abandoned him feeling more certain and more ready to accomplish his objectives.

In the event that you need help recognizing and surrendering your unfortunate propensities, then please contact our very prepared and experienced group of wellbeing specialists. We can help you to roll out the improvements that will enhance your life significantly. Wellbeing is something that we ought to all quality, and negative behavior patterns impede that. Talk with us today, to begin a superior tomorrow.

A Burning Headache And Some Of Its Causes

Numerous individuals experience the ill effects of this normal annoyance called smoldering migraine consistently, now and again which can even keep going for a considerable length of time. Smoldering migraine is not a therapeutically perceived term in the event that you were to look around in medicinal diaries and clinical reports, yet its basically generally utilized. There are various reasons for smoldering cerebral pain, and distinctive individuals have diverse parts of the head which throbs. In addition, there are additionally a wide range of reasons for this cerebral pain, some of which we will be taking a gander at today.

Distinctive Parts of the Head
A Burning Headache And Some Of Its Causes

In numerous occurrences, smoldering migraine is identified with sinusitis. All things considered, the torment is ordinarily on the frontal piece of the head, on the temple, upper cheeks, and some of the time can even go around the entire face. In different cases, this smoldering cerebral pain can be brought on by fever. In this, the agony is more often than not on both sides of the brow, which are the weakest purposes of affectability in our mind.


As we have known, the normal purposes behind smoldering migraine would be fever, influenza, and sinusitis. In these cases, the torment is steady, and can be stinging and shivering, and also smoldering. It can begin from any side of the head, however typically before long it will venture out to different ranges also.

Some individuals have a tendency to get pushes of great agonies. Albeit restoratively there is no evidence in respect to what causes this sudden uprising in the smoldering cerebral pain indications, it is accepted to be brought about by throbbing nerves because of pressure.

Blazing cerebral pain can likewise be brought about by certain different reasons other than the above recorded. These are more genuine cases, for example, tumors or development in the head. In such cases, the agony is not steady like the ones recorded above, however goes ahead and off. The agony is typically brutal, far stronger than the ones you get for fever, and not to overlook; it throbs frequently.

It is likewise accepted that poisons and chemicals can likewise cause intense or blazing cerebral pain. This is really regular to numerous individuals, particularly the individuals who are not all that good of recently painted houses, concoction labs, et cetera. On top of these, even certain consumable poisons and sustenances can result in blazing cerebral pain, for example, liquor, juice, etc.

Liquor and juice particularly, are accepted to be reasons for some genuine cerebral pains that can result in the entire head to throb extremely, with the nerves being amazingly tensed.

Whats Google AdSense ?

AdSense may be one of the fastest and easiest ways to monetize traffic to your web site whether you have products or services for sale or you simply provide free content to your visitors.

Simply stated, Google AdSense enables website operators to place some code on their site that connects to Google’s ad server content database and pulls keyword-relevant advertising onto the web pages. The webmaster gets paid a percentage of the fee that Google receives from the advertiser every time a visitor clicks on an ad. There is no charge for the webmaster to participate in AdSense. All costs are covered by the advertiser who participates in the AdSense sister program called AdWords.

Google’s sends out digital “robots” which use proprietary algorithms to parse the host web page and analyze the content in an effort to determine what keywords are relevant. It reports its findings back to Google’s ad server which then serves ads matching those keywords. Given that the entire process is automated, the “ad robots” do a pretty good job of getting the advertising content right most of the time.

Whats Google AdSense ?The History of Google AdSense

Google AdSense has its roots in the old “Google Content-Targeted Advertising” program which they introduced back in March of 2003. Although this program was similar in concept to AdSense, there was no automated way of participating. Each webmaster negotiated a deal directly with Google, and websites that served less than 20 million page views per month were not welcome to participate.

As Google grew, they began to see how much money they were leaving on the table by excluding the smaller sites, which greatly outnumbered the sites serving over 20 million hits that were willing to serve other people’s ads. Their answer to that problem was AdSense which has no minimum traffic requirements and is open to all sites meeting Google’s content and decency requirements.

How much can you make running Google AdSense?

The answer to that question depends upon three factors:

  • How much traffic your site draws 
  • How many visitors click on your ads 
  • How much those ads pay per generated click 

With some ads paying as much as $5 or more, it’s possible that you can generate a serious income with AdSense. There are relatively well documented cases of some people earning as much as $500 per DAY and more. Numbers like that are rare exceptions however. Even so, there is no reason why you can’t earn somewhere around $1,000 per month, or more, once you get the hang of it.

How to get started using Google AdSense

Make a visit to Google’s AdSense Site (https://www.google.com/adsense/) and sign up. Make sure that you read their Acceptable Use Policy and that you follow their content requirements. Google has their own “AdSense Police” who will have no problem booting you out of the program if you fail to walk the line.

Using Google AdSense on your site is like collecting free money. There’s no reason not to do it and potentially thousands of dollars worth of reasons to do it.

About the author:
Diane provides marketing and internet profit tips.

The Easiest Way To Have A Google Adsense Account Fast

Google Adsense is one of the easiest way to allow webmasters to make money from content websites. You just need to add some simple javascript codes on the web pages, and then when visitors click the ads, you make money. No need to sell and think yourself, Google does all thinking for you. Very easy, right?

Google Adsense is really a gold mine. People are creating niche websites just to display the ads and make easy money everyday - automatically. There are so many success stories about people earning thousands of dollars a month from Adsense!

If you don’t have an Adsense account yet, you should get one and start profiting from it!

The Easiest Way To Have A Google Adsense Account FastHowever, not all who applied for an Adsense account gets approved. You need to show your content websites to Google first to get approved.

Then how if you don’t have a content website? No need to worry, here is a secret method to get approved - fast and easily - just read on...

Google has its own blogging service - Blogger.com (http://www.blogger.com/). You can start a blog on Blogger.com with any topics you like - and it is completely free. Once your blog is created, post two or more related articles on it. Wait for a day and then you can apply your blog for an adsense account using this link:

Wow, your Adsense account will get approved in several days. Happy profiting from Adsense!

About the author:
This article is written by Mark Tse.
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